
What is Shotokai Karate

What is Shotokai Karate?

Shotokai is the name of the association formed by Gichin Funakoshi “the father of modern karate” in 1935 and has since become a style of karate whose practitioners believe accurately reflects the teachings of Master Funakoshi.  This move to a formal style of karate was solidified in 1956 when Genshin Hironishi became the President of …

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do boxers lift weights?

Do boxers lift weights?

Whenever I watch a boxing match, I’m always amazed at the physical conditioning of the fighters.  They’re invariably lean and muscular and therefore I’ve always assumed that they lifted weights in order to get to this level of conditioning. Weight lifting consistently over a period of time causes the muscles to undergo physical changes whereby …

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Is boxing a martial art?

Is Boxing a Martial Art?

Boxing is an extremely popular activity across the world and is practised by hundreds of thousands of participants both by those that actively want to spar against an opponent and by individuals who simply want to lose weight and stay in shape. It’s been around for thousands of years and in modern times, can be …

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