Who Created Pencak Silat: The History and Evolution of this Martial Art

Pencak silat is a martial art that has its roots in Southeast Asia, specifically in the countries of Indonesia, Malaysia, and Brunei. The term “pencak” refers to the performance aspect of the art, while “silat” refers to the technical aspect, the actual fighting application of the techniques being practiced.  Together, they form the term “pencak silat,” which is used to describe the practice of this martial art.

The origins of pencak silat can be traced back to the 13th century, when it was developed by the indigenous people of the region as a means of self-defense and survival. Over time, the art has evolved and been influenced by various cultures and traditions, leading to the creation of different styles and techniques.

The Birth of Pencak Silat

The birth of pencak silat can be traced back to the 13th century, during the time of the Majapahit Empire in Indonesia. The empire, which was based in present-day East Java, was known for its strong and skilled military force. It is believed that the soldiers and warriors of the Majapahit Empire developed and perfected the art of pencak silat as a means of self-defense and survival.

The Spread of Pencak Silat

As the Majapahit Empire expanded and its influence spread throughout Southeast Asia, so did the practice of pencak silat. The art was adopted and adapted by the people of the conquered regions, leading to the creation of different styles and techniques.

For example, in Malaysia and Brunei, the art was heavily influenced by the Malay culture, leading to the creation of the Malay-style of pencak silat. In contrast, in the Philippines, the art was influenced by the Spanish colonization, leading to the creation of the Filipino-style of pencak silat.

The Evolution of Pencak Silat

Over time, the practice of pencak silat continued to evolve and be influenced by various cultures and traditions. In the 19th century, for example, the art was heavily influenced by Chinese martial arts, leading to the creation of the Chinese-style of pencak silat.

In the 20th century, the art underwent further evolution as it was introduced to the Western world and exposed to the latest developments in sport science and martial arts training. This led to the creation of modern-style of pencak silat, which is characterized by its focus on sport and competition.


Pencak silat is a martial art with a rich history and evolution. It was developed by the indigenous people of Southeast Asia as a means of self-defense and survival and has since been adopted and adapted by various cultures and traditions. From its humble beginnings in the 13th century to its modern-day form, the practice of pencak silat continues to evolve and be influenced by the world around it. As a martial art it is not only a physical activity but also a cultural one, and it’s a source of national pride for many Southeast Asian countries.

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